Prep Your Dock For Entertaining

For some of our lucky customers in Florida, the warmer months never really end, but for our other customers around the world, the warmer months are right around the corner! That means it’s time to prep your dock for some fun nights on the water! When prepped and outfitted, docks are a great place to spend time with family and friends, whether it’s during the day or after the sun goes down. In this post, we’ll go over some ways you can prep your dock so it’s ready for entertaining!

Spring Cleaning

We know. This one doesn’t sound very fun, but it’s important! The first thing you want to do to prep your dock, is to clean it all down. You’ll want to clean the dock itself, along with anything else that might be on your dock. This could include your chairs, piling caps, boat lift, or anything else that spends 24/7 outside on your dock. 

You’ll also want to take some time to test your Underwater Fish Light. It’s a great time to make sure everything is running smoothly, and the fish will be there after sunset to entertain your guests! To test your Fish Light, use a dark towel to cover the photo cell on the top of your control box. This will make your Fish Light think it’s nighttime, and it should kick on. Give it some time to warm up, and you should see the glow start to shine under the water. It won’t be as bright during the day, but this is just to confirm everything is working properly. If you have any trouble with your Fish Light not coming on, feel free to Contact Us and we’d be happy to help! 

If you don’t want to test your Underwater Fish Light yourself, and you live in the Southwest Florida area, we can do it for you! Just Contact Us, and we can get you started with one of our service plans!

Let There Be Light!

If you’re entertaining on your dock after sundown, you’ll want to make sure you have sufficient light so everyone can enjoy their time safely. Our line of Solar Lights is a great way to give off soft light that lets you see without being glaringly bright and attracting bugs. 

Edge Lighting

These solar lights are a great way to ensure everyone on your dock knows where the edge of your dock is, to keep them from falling in. The last thing you want is someone falling into your canal during a BBQ. Our Dock Spots and Dock Blocks turn on automatically after sundown, and are solar-powered. So, you’ll never have to worry about turning them on, charging them, or changing batteries.

Solar Piling Caps

Solar Piling Caps serve MANY purposes. They not only protect your pilings like normal piling caps but they’re also equipped with solar lights that give off a soft glow after the sun goes down. They’ll help light your dock without attracting bugs, so you won’t need to worry about getting swarmed!

Sit Back & Relax

Everyone needs a place to sit, right? You’ll need some furniture on your dock to be able to enjoy your evenings longer. You’ll want to get some furniture that will be able to last being out in the sun and on the water all day. Polywood is a great brand for durable outdoor furniture. Having some comfy, durable furniture is a MUST when it comes to entertaining family and friends out on your dock.


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