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The weather is getting warmer, and it’s almost summer! That means it’s time for a refresher course on night fishing. In this post, we’re going to go over our favorite night fishing tips, and go over the gear you’ll want to take with you on the water! Fishing at night might seem like a daunting task but it can be extremely rewarding. The ambiance is calmer, the fish are more likely to come closer to the surface, and there’s just something special about catching a fish under the moonlight.

Outfitting Your Tacklebox for Night Fishing

You’ve got to be prepared!

1. A Headlamp

It’s not very shocking that it’s dark while you’re out at night fishing. This might be an obvious choice when going dock light fishing, but many people forget about it! All of us here at Underwater Fish Light have been stuck out in the dark without a headlamp, and trust me, it was not fun. These great energizer headlamps are cheap and work great! There are also some other light configurations like light clips or just a flashlight, but we’ve found that it’s easier to use the hands-free headlamp that will turn in the direction you’re looking at.

2. DOA TerrorEyz

The DOA TerrorEyz lure is a GREAT choice when it comes to dock light fishing. No matter how many lures you put in your tackle box, this small minnow should definitely be one of them!

3. Tsunami Pliers

The Tsunami Fishing Fliers are an essential tool for your tackle box. Many fishermen will tell you how useful a pair of pliers are, and they’re not lying!

4. Vanish Fluorocarbon Leader

Vanish Fluorocarbon Leader is a great choice for a leader. You’ll want to make sure that the fish you’re targeting can’t see your leader. Vanish Fluorocarbon Leader will help you use effective lures without spooking any of the fish!

5. DOA Bait Buster

One more shoutout for DOA is the DOA Bait Buster! We suggest using the Deep Runner Bait Busters. The bigger guys usually like to swim deeper!

Night Fishing Strategies

1. Keep It Quiet

While you’re night fishing, make sure you talk softly. And try to keep your movement to a minimum. If you do have to walk around, be mindful of your footsteps. Since there is less activity in waterways at night (fewer boats and less traffic), the fish spook easier. 

Think about it like this: If you’re at home, a big BANG in the middle of the night is going to scare you a lot more than one in the middle of the day, right? It’s the same for fish! So, try to stay as quiet as you can while night fishing.

If you’re going to fish from a boat at night, make sure the motor is shut off. Also, when you first arrive at your spot and cut the power, give it some time before expecting any fish to be in the area. If you’re using a trolling motor, it’s crucial to use it on a low setting, to try to avoid scaring as many fish as possible. But it’s better to anchor in an area with a fast-moving current. Fish are lazy. They will just ride the current, rather than swim around in still water at night.

2. Don’t Cast A Shadow

Try not to cast a shadow on the water. It can spook the fish. If you’re fishing off a brightly lit dock, or if you have any overhead lighting, try to turn it off while you’re night fishing. You don’t want any of the fish to know you’re there. A big, scary shadow is a great way to scare off even some of the bravest fish. That’s the beauty of Underwater Fish Lights. Since the lights are placed under the water’s surface, you can stand near the light without casting a shadow. If you have an above-water light, you’ll either have to turn it off or move out of the light’s direct path so you don’t cast a shadow.

3. Use The Tides

We’re based in Florida, but watching the tides is important anywhere. Outgoing tides are our favorite times to fish, but incoming tides work well too. The most important thing is that you’re fishing in moving water. With moving water, shrimp, baitfish, and crabs are moving around, which means the predator fish will be there as well. Predator fish will ride the tides, and grab bait to eat while the tide moves them.

If you’re not sure about the tides, you can find tide charts online at tidecharts.com. Check the tides while you’re planning your trip so you can see decide which time to go out on the water.

4. Look At The Moon!

A night with a full moon is a great night for fishing. Fish can see a lot better and will feed all night long. A full moon also brings stronger tides, which bulls the baitfish in (and out) farther. Our favorite place to fish on a full moon is large bridges with deeper channels. Full moon nights are also great for shrimping. Full moons aren’t all great. Daytime during a fool moon will have slower tides. So, if it’s a full moon, save the fishing for nighttime!

5. Use Fish Lights!

This one should come as no surprise! Placing an Underwater Fish Light in an area that already has good fish activity is a GAME CHANGER when it comes to night fishing. If you’re putting a fish light in a new spot, it’s best to drop the light and wait a bit. It will take time for the baitfish and predator fish to come around. When we go out, we drop the light, then relax and hang out for a bit before fishing. 

If your favorite fishing spot already has a fish light, then you’re golden! The longer you can leave a fish light in the water, the better. It starts to build a feeding cycle with the fish and will bring them back every night. That’s why fishing off docks with dock lights works so well. The lights stay there year-round, so the fish are used to eating dinner there every night.


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